Stay ahead of the Website Game with these 3 Security Products
Whether you have already launched a fully functional website or are on your way to building one, it extremely important to keep a check on your website’s security. The benefits of a secure site apart from the obvious is that it works to improve your site’s traffic, builds a loyal audience and solidifies your brand’s space online.
Make sure your site has these 3 add-on services installed for success.
1. An SSL Certificate
You’ve probably heard about SSL certificates if you run a blog or a website. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a technology that creates a secure link between a visitor’s browser and a web server. It allows all the data transmission between the browser and the web server to remain private and secure.
If your customers input their private information on your site, you want them to know that your website is secure and that you take security seriously. What more? Websites with SSL certificate also have the SEO value that eventually results into better site traffic.
Get an SSL certificate for your site.
2. Protection from Malware using SiteLock
There’s a long list of reasons why some of the websites are being compromised, hacked or modified and updated without the site owner’s knowledge. Vulnerable coding, poor password security and unmonitored permissions are some of the most common reasons why this happ ens.
What if there was a straightforward, time-saving and automatic process that helps you prevent this? SiteLock offers a ‘find-and-fix’ kind of solution by monitoring your site and alerting you of any changes on your site. It basically helps you with Malware Detection, Blacklist Monitoring, Vulnerability Detection and On-demand Expert Solution.
3.Regular secure backups for your website data with CodeGuard
There are good things about an online presence but you cannot ignore that bad things can happen too. Your website could be hacked and you might lose all that data that took you weeks to put together. It has happened to about 38%* users in 2015, you could be next.
CodeGuard is a simple yet powerful tool to help you combat such issues. With CodeGuard, it is easy to Backup, Monitor and Restore your website content in minutes.
With all of these security services installed on your site, you will be set for an online success.